
~God's Riches At Christ's Expense~

My Lord was rich, and I was poor.
He set aside his riches for
A manger bed and swaddling clothes.
Poverty and pain he chose.

Trusting in him, I knelt to pray.
Grace came down in a man that day.
‘Twas God’s riches at Christ’s expense.
Oh, the richness of grace!

My Lord loved earth, the people here.
They came from miles around to hear
The truth and kindness Jesus preached.
To their hearts forgiveness reached.

Trusting in him, I knelt to pray.
Grace came down in a man that day.
‘Twas God’s riches at Christ’s expense.
Oh, the richness of grace!

Now I have found a God to love.
His Spirit fills me like a dove.
For Jesus died and rose again.
He is now my truest friend.

Trusting in him, I knelt to pray.
Grace came down in a man that day.
‘Twas God’s riches at Christ’s expense.
Oh, the richness of grace!

© 2010 Rose Enterline Williams

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