Saturday, June 7, 2014

"Adult Female Asperger's Syndrome Traits" by Samantha Craft

Please click (video):
Adult Female Asperger's Syndrome Traits by Samantha Craft

This video was too good not to post. I have also added it to my "Resources" page. Check it out!
I see myself and two of my best friends in this detailed description. Maybe you'll see yourself, too!

My favorite characteristic was; "Highly intuitive to others' feelings." I know we, as Aspies, don't always use this ability to help others, but that doesn't mean we are incapable of discerning non-verbal communication. For my part, understanding my OWN feelings is a much bigger challenge.

Feel free to comment after you watch the PowerPoint slides.

The only listed item I would change was "trouble with lying." I think that means the Asperger's female has trouble being lied to, not with lying herself, since another point describes her as "honest."